Sanyo has launched two new HD cameras in the form of the Sanyo VPC-HD2000A and the Sanyo VPC-FH1A. Both cameras are actually the world’s first camcorders to offer compatibility with iFrame, a next generation video format designed specifically to allow users to easily import, edit and share high quality videos. Based on industry standard technologies such as H.264 and AAC audio, iFrame produces small file sizes and simplifies the process of working with video recorded with your camera. The Sanyo VPC-HD2000A and the Sanyo VPC-FH1A can record videos at 1080i and 1080p HD formats and 8MP still pictures. The former features a 2.7-inch LCD screen, while the latter has a 3-inch LCD screen. Both digicams provide 10x optical zoom for still shots and 16x optical zoom for video recordings. The Sanyo VPC-HD2000A and the Sanyo VPC-FH1A are priced at $599.99 and $499.99, respectively. [Reuters][Source]