Maingear today unveiled a new range of PCs, called the Maingear Shift. This personal supercomputer is currently available in two models including the SHIFT Intel P55 and the SHIFT Intel X58. The former model comes with an Intel Core I7 800 series processor, an Intel Kingsberg P55 Extreme Series motherboard, ATI Radeon or nVidia GeForce graphics cards, and up to 8GB of DDR3 RAM. Meanwhile, the latter model features an Intel Core i7 900 series processor, the choice of either ATI Radeon HD and nVidia GeForce graphics cards, an EVGA X58 SLI Classified motherboard, and up to 24GB of DDR3 RAM. Both versions feature an aluminum case with a steel skeleton, an advanced liquid cooling system, the choice of up to 6 hard drives or 12 SSDs, and either a Blu-ray or DVD burner. The SHIFT Intel P55 is priced at $2,199, while the SHIFT Intel X58 retails for $2,599. [Maingear][Source]