Lisse has unveiled their latest HD-capable portable media player namely the MyRacer H10 HD. Measuring 147mm x 89mm x 19mm and weighing 73 grams, the player sports a 5-inch 1280 x 720 TFT LCD display with 16.7 million colors, a 16GB of storage, a microSD card slot, an FM radio, a voice recorder, built-in speakers, a USB port and an HDMI output. The device also supports most audio and video formats including MP3, WMA, AAC, WAV, OGG, FLAC, APE, RM/RMVB, AVI (Xvid, DivX), WMV, ASF, DAT, MPG, MP4, VOB, SMI as well as HD video playback (720p). Pricing and release date are still unknown at the moment. [Lisse][Source]