i watch

It seems that Apple guys just didnt have enough..
We are hearing that Apple is readying a iWatch device that will be sold in the $299 range. The brain of the the gadget is supposed to be a 2gig chip and there is a touch screen for selecting the menu. Now, this can be a blessing for people who want eveything at their fingertips.

Also rumours are out that Apple plans on partnering with Nike for custom bands for the crazy sports fans. Other variants are planned for release like a iWatch Red that gives a portion of the profits to the Global Fund to fund programs for women and children affected by HIV/AIDS in Africa. From a technical point of view, this will be the first “i” device that will not have a standard iPod connection on it.

No idea on how the device is gonna charge, but speculations are out telling the device will sync with iTunes through Bluetooth. Some of the functions which is coming bundled will be iCalendar syncing as well as a contact management system. The body of the watch will of course hav that iPhoneish style. The band will be easily customizable,so get ready for prepare to fish out some more cash for getting the cooler look on the gadget with the lovely accessories.

The Marketing plans are all ready so it seems the product is further down the pipeline than we actually anticipated. Also, the release pictures hav not yet been shown. So, everything remains for the imagination of the "i" fan. These pictures are just some conceptual pictures of iWatch.


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