Sony Korea will launch not one but four new premium business laptops from its VAIO Z series. Known as the Sony VAIO VGN-Z58LG/X, VGN-Z56LG/X, VGN-Z56LG/R, and VGN-Z55LG/B, these laptops support a high-resolution 13.1-inch LED backlit LCD screen with an Intel latest Centrino 2 processor, a 6GB DDR3 RAM, and Microsoft Windows 7 OS. Weighing at just 1.41kg, the VAIO Z Series also use ‘Dynamic Hybrid Graphic System’ to switch modes without rebooting. The Sony VGN-Z58LG/X retails for 3,590,000 Won ($3,106), meanwhile the Sony VGN-Z56LG/X and VGN-Z56LG/R are available for 2,899,000 Won ($2,508) each. The low-end Sony VGN-Z55LG/B retails for 2,599,000 Won ($2,249).[AVING][Source]